
Articles and textbooks:

Viewpoints on the drafting of an arbitral award (original article published in Finnish), Defensor Legis, November 2020 (co-author)

Enforcement of an arbitral award and ordre public in light of the Stati case – and 500 million dollars (original article published in Finnish), published in Defensor Legis, February 2019 (co-author)

The Bernard Tapie case and fraus omnia corrumpit as basis for annulment of an arbitral award (original article published in Finnish), published in Defensor Legis, June 2018 (co-author)

International Banking Law and Regulation, Westlaw 2015 and successive annual updates, co-author of chapter on Finland

ABA International Stock Purchase Acquisitions
Chapter on Finland, co-author, 2006

ABA Model Asset Purchase Agreement with Commentary
Chapter on Finland, co-author, 2001

Public-Private-Partnerships, Issues from a Finnish Perspective
Business Law International, 2001

Free Trade Agreements between Finland and Central and Eastern European Countries, The International Lawyer, co-author, 1994

Governing-law clauses of Loan Agreements in International Project Financing
The International Lawyer, 1986

Liikejuridiikka 1 -2
Two textbooks on Finnish business law, co-author, 1983

Välimiesmenettelyn valinnasta (On the choice of arbitration), an article in Kansainvälisestä kaupasta II, a Finnish textbook on international trade, 1982

Numerous other smaller articles and legal updates in various legal newsletters on corporate and financial law topics.