Articles and textbooks:
Viewpoints on the drafting of an arbitral award (original article published in Finnish), Defensor Legis, November 2020 (co-author)
Enforcement of an arbitral award and ordre public in light of the Stati case – and 500 million dollars (original article published in Finnish), published in Defensor Legis, February 2019 (co-author)
The Bernard Tapie case and fraus omnia corrumpit as basis for annulment of an arbitral award (original article published in Finnish), published in Defensor Legis, June 2018 (co-author)
International Banking Law and Regulation, Westlaw 2015 and successive annual updates, co-author of chapter on Finland
ABA International Stock Purchase Acquisitions
Chapter on Finland, co-author, 2006
ABA Model Asset Purchase Agreement with Commentary
Chapter on Finland, co-author, 2001
Public-Private-Partnerships, Issues from a Finnish Perspective
Business Law International, 2001
Free Trade Agreements between Finland and Central and Eastern European Countries, The International Lawyer, co-author, 1994
Governing-law clauses of Loan Agreements in International Project Financing
The International Lawyer, 1986
Liikejuridiikka 1 -2
Two textbooks on Finnish business law, co-author, 1983
Välimiesmenettelyn valinnasta (On the choice of arbitration), an article in Kansainvälisestä kaupasta II, a Finnish textbook on international trade, 1982
Numerous other smaller articles and legal updates in various legal newsletters on corporate and financial law topics.
Some articles
Arbitration Update
September 2022
Arbitration Update
December 2020
Arbitration Update
September 2020
Bernard Tapie -tapaus ja fraus omnia corrumpit välitystuomion kumoamisperusteena
Defensor Legis N:o 3/2018